Friday, June 27, 2014

Testimoni Alpha Lipid Lifeline

Hai semua... Nampak tak uncle sebelah saya (tengah2) tu?? Dia da sihat okies.. Sebelom ni dia Diabetes teruk.. Terpaksa amik insulin 4 kali sehari dan penah stroke sebelom ni.. Watt the fishh? And now dia sudah sihat selepas amalkan Alpha Lipid Lifeline selama 3 tin.. So jangan tunggu lagi.. Adiahkan pada org yg anda sayang.. 

pm : Joey 012-3788783!

Testimoni SD2 7 Shape Up

Main2 minum ALSD2 pun bole hilang 10kg.. Kalo betul2 mau hilang lemak2 tepu tu lg banyak.. Memang nampak beza.. Makin cantik dan sihat.. Kulit makin cantik glowish gitu.. :-) da dpt berat ideal maintain dgn SHAPE UP. Kalo maintain bole shape up sekali sehari da cukup.. Seronok kan..

pm : Joey 012-3788783!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Jeunesse 婕斯

姐妹们, 选择保养品要花时间了解。。而不是花大钱。。

我可以一个月花 rm2××, 享受上等人名人的保养品。。




强调一次哦, 每个月只需 rm2××..


pm: Joey 012-3788783

Monday, May 12, 2014

Healthy Nutrition & Weight Management

The scientific replacement and weight maintenance formulation has everything your body needs for a satisfying, healthy meals.

it's easy to make, just mix in water or milk, and most importantly it tastes delicious too!!
~ 20g protein
~ Only 0.6g sugar
~ 26 Essential Vitamins & minerals

Pm me now: Joey 012-3788783

Friday, April 18, 2014

Tired of your weight management programme?

Tired of your weight management programme? 
Tired of exercise every day with a few weight loss?
Tired of skipping every meal, fasting, cut down this food, that food, no to this food, no to that..???

Try this new Alpha Lipid™ SDII

Alpha Lipid™ SDII is a complete weight management programme that will reshape the way you think about food and exercise. 

It BURNS FAT instead of glucose or muscle tissues.
It is TASTY, DELICIOUS and NUTRITIOUS protein supplement shakes. 

Contact: Joey 012-3788783

Thursday, April 10, 2014

ALpha Lipid Slim diet 2 (SD2)

 New Image 第2主打产品,ALpha Lipid Slim diet 2 (SD2) 亦被称为 ketogenic diets

Ketogenic diets 是健康瘦身养瘦的新概念,已经被多位专家们认可,各大书局都能买到的健康概念书。



ketogenic diet 必须戒糖粉,也有效帮助把身体糖分减低,发挥很好的抗癌作用

在ketogenic diet 期间,身体会变成Ketone body。ketone body 会令口气变重,这期间必须喝更多的水,帮助冲洗ketone body。也助于提高燃烧脂肪

我们公司最厉害的是产品配方-alpha lipid。
Alpha lipid 即溶化于水,也融化于油。增加dispersion

如果顾客拥有便秘问题,可以配合fibremax。喝法:2汤匙sd2, 1汤匙fibremax

以下是蛋白质食物从高到底的排列,正在进行ketogenic diet 的朋友们必须多吃蛋白质食品:

如何确保你的身体正在进行ketogenic diet?我们可以用ketone stick 验尿哦。
Contact: Joey 012-3788783


Every one of us realizes that everything becomes meaningless once our health deteriorates. Surely we have seen those who become invalids and waiting to be well again. At that stage everything we once cherish - money, luxurious car, beautiful wife - becomes worthless to us…


Now there is an easier way to keep you healthy everyday.

ALPHA LIPID contains all nutrients you need for your body in 1 tin can:
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Total Immunoglobin
  • Complex lipid
  • Probiotix
  • Prebiotix
Still being skeptical?
  • Alpha Lipid Lifeline is produced and packed straight from New Zealand
  • Alpha Lipid Lifeline product is acknowledged by New Zealand Government and is awarded the New Zealand Leaf Symbol (given only to the restricted few). The symbol is proudly printed on every Alpha Lipid product.
  • The Colostrum in Alpha Lipid LifeLine is of grade 10 (The best in the world).
  • Containing 41% of IgG compared to other products with only 10% - 12% of IgG.
  • Certified HALAL by N.Z Islamic Processed Food Management.
  • Every day our health deteriorates due to aging and pollution.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Loss Your Weight within 1 week - Alpha Lipid SD2

One of the best and fastest weight loss is one that is low in carbohydrate intake. Or KETOGENIC DIET. Alpha Lipid SDII is based on this ketogenic science. What is Ketogenic diet?

A ketogenic diet is a style of weight loss plan where the body is forced to enter a state called ketosis. The human body is designed to work with either carbohydrate, stored in the muscles as glycogen, or fat as its primary fuel source. If glycogen is present, the body will use that up first before beginning to burn fat. Ketosis is the state where the body uses fat as its primary energy source, which leads to healthy but rapid weight loss. To make your body enter ketosis, you need to follow a diet that is very low in carbohydrate, so your body has to switch to using fat for energy. The Atkins diet, and other well known low carb eating plans, are examples of ketogenic dieting.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Alpha Lipid Slim Diet 2

Ingin kuruskan badan degan product istimewa kita Alpha Lipid Slim Diet 2.

SDII Protein Sparing Diet • Boleh makan banyak dan tidak perlu berlapar • Bukan ganti makanan atau meal replacement • Turun berat dengan cepat • Kadar penurunan berat yang seimbang dan sekata • Selamat kerana bukan ubat diet • Sihat dengan zat-zat makanan yang seimbang • Rasa lebih bertenaga • Lebih peka dan badan lebih ringan • Tidak memecahkan protein.

Formula terbaru ini juga diperkayakan dgn kandungan green tea+fiber+high protein+ 9 jenis essential asid amino+11 vitamins+12 minerals.. ALPHA LIPID SD II ini dapat bantu anda turunkan berat badan dengan pantas sebanyak 5kg seminggu dengan hanya 1tin sahaja..

Sila hubungi :
Joey : 012-37888783

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Another New Partner Join New Image Business

诚意招收多位New Image创业伙伴!

3月份连锁店配套: 20罐 RM3000 (升 supervisor)
只需买10 罐就可以 升 supervisor!! 名额有限哦。。 
赶快联系我吧 Joey 012-3788783

好产品不怕卖不出,很多客户都回头买了第2罐 你想要有而外的收入?
~想加入new image事业吗/
Alpha lipid lifeline 牛初乳, 网络爆红的保健美容产品,

让自己有多一份 part time 收入。
一个启动配套: 4罐 RM600 (回扣 RM16)
家庭配套: 15罐 RM2250 (回扣 RM240)
3月份连锁店配套: 20罐 RM3000 (升 supervisor)

Friday, March 7, 2014


Promosi Hebat bulan ini..
Promosi PENGEDAR ALPHA LIPID ini jarang2 diadakan.
Utk anda menjadi PENGEDAR ALPHA LIPID:
Hanya membuat belian 20 tin sahaja.
Bermula hari ini 5 Mac 2014 hingga 28 Mac 2014
Hubungi: Joey 012-3788783

Pregnant~ Alpha Lipid Lifeline

Should I be taking colostrum if I am pregnant?
Alpha Lipid Colostrum definitely will not hurt you or your foetus, but as always with anything you take during pregnancy, you should check with your health care professional first. Once your baby is born, it would be beneficial to start taking Alpha Lipid colostrum right away. Alpha Lipid Colostrum will help boost your immune system, which suffers during child birth. It will help you recover faster and Alpha Lipid Colostrum will also help you to lose those extra pounds associated with pregnancy much more quickly.
Contact: Joey 012-3788783

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

诚意招收多位New Image创业伙伴!

诚意招收多位New Image创业伙伴!

3月份连锁店配套: 20罐 RM3000 (升 supervisor)
只需买10 罐就可以 升 supervisor!! 名额有限哦。。 
赶快联系我吧 Joey 012-3788783

好产品不怕卖不出,很多客户都回头买了第2罐 你想要有而外的收入?
~想加入new image事业吗/
Alpha lipid lifeline 牛初乳, 网络爆红的保健美容产品,

让自己有多一份 part time 收入。
一个启动配套: 4罐 RM600 (回扣 RM16)
家庭配套: 15罐 RM2250 (回扣 RM240)
3月份连锁店配套: 20罐 RM3000 (升 supervisor)

Monday, March 3, 2014

~想加入new image事业吗

~想加入new image事业吗/
Alpha lipid lifeline 牛初乳, 网络爆红的保健美容产品,

让自己有多一份 part time 收入。
一个启动配套: 4罐 RM600 (回扣rm16)
家庭配套: 15罐 RM2250 (回扣 RM240)
3月份连锁店配套: 20罐 rm3000 (升 supervisor)
Contact: Joey 012-3788783

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Jeunesse Reserve

 Jeunesse Reserve Reviews tell you that Jeunesse is the best manufacturer for anti aging products. Here in the company, women youth is their main focus and destination. The experts have been doing long research to find the best rejuvenation formula and they have come to the ultimate products that combines technology and advanced technique to formulate products that give youth to women.

he Benefits of Jeunesse Reserve

There are many benefits that you can get from Jeunesse reserve. Based on the Jeunesse Product Review, the benefits of Reserve as follows:
  • It makes your young cells live longer, super-charging health and well-being
  • The Resveratol delays cell aging. It is a unique antioxidant to expand lifespan.
  • Has ingredients of super foods such as acai berry, pomegranate, green tea, aloe vera, and grape seeds
  • Protect you from free radicals that can cause damage to your body
  • Support cardiovascular function
  • Help improving your digestion by the fatty acids
  • Improve the metabolism processes which is good for weight loss
  • Superb nutrient supply
  • Penetrates red blood cell to help against oxidated stress
  • The taste is delicious.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

SD2 瘦身比賽開跑咯~
比賽期限:12月1號2013 - 3月31號2014
冠軍:RM2000 現金 + RM500 禮券 + 免費亞洲頒獎典禮旅遊配套
亞軍:RM1000 現金 + RM500 禮券
季軍:RM500 現金 + RM500 禮券
安慰獎:RM500 禮券 (9份)
區域入圍獎:RM300 禮券 (30份)
藉此機會給自己終極減肥的動力!亦可同時成功創業。千載難逢的機會,趕快把握!馬上就行動!改變現狀,朔造美好的未來~ 聯絡我了解詳情!
Contact: Joey 012-3788783

 Alpha Lipid™ Lifeline来自纽西兰,全球初乳第一品牌,拥有 28年商譽肯定!
它集結了黃金三十六小時初乳精華,融合獨家專利的Alpha Lipid生物技術,調製成富含天然免疫球蛋白、礦物質、維生素、鈣質和益生菌的Alpha Lipid Lifeline生命營養素,為健康打下滿分基礎,多重品質認證,保障更優等。 

◎獨步全球的「Alpha Lipid脂質世界專利吸收技術」
◎由全球公認初乳權威 ICR (初乳研究所),首席科學家Mochail專業技術研發
◎ 已獲得729項專利


Contact: Joey 012-3788783